Tilting Tool Heat Exchanger - Certification
For this tilting tool, designed to tilt a 6-meter-high heat exchanger, Captis conducted the certification, including the creation of the user manual.

A few years ago, we developed a lifting cover that allowed our client to lift a 6-meter-long heat exchanger with a diameter of 1.4 meters safely and easily in a vertical position. After lifting, the heat exchanger needed to be tilted to be laid horizontally on a truck for transport. Until then, the tilting was done with a crane and simple lifting straps. However, the client wanted a specific tool to be produced quickly. Within 4 weeks, the tool had to be designed, calculated, produced, and certified. For this, they turned again to the 3D CADWORKS group. Caden handled the development, while Captis took care of the certification.
The development and calculation of this Tailing Tool were carried out by Caden. For more information, please refer to the case study on the Caden website, which you can view via the button below.
While the Tilting Tool was in production, Captis handled the certification. This included creating a nameplate and a user manual. The manual lists potential safety risks that users need to be aware of and specifies the necessary safety stickers to indicate these risks on the tool itself. It also includes a list of possible spare parts that the client can order in case of damage during use. Additionally, the manual provides a step-by-step guide on how to correctly assemble and use the tilting tool.