(Interactive) Manuals

Technical 3D illustrations, especially exploded views, are highly suitable for manuals and user instructions. Captis provides these types of illustrations in various styles for use in Installation, Operation, and Maintenance manuals (IOM). Additionally, we also produce complete user and maintenance manuals on paper that form part of a certification dossier.

New is the possibility of creating an interactive manual with digital instructions from existing 3D models. Users of all levels can, thanks to a visual interface without text, examine every part of the product in fine detail and study the assembly step by step. By scanning the QR code on a machine, via any device—smartphone, tablet, or laptop—the user has access to the most recent version of the interactive manual. This allows them to navigate to any part of the machine. With just a few clicks, they can bring up dimension drawings or even order forms for spare parts. An innovative solution that is 100% usable and affordable!

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(Interactive) Manuals

Virtual Reality

Immerse yourself in a virtual version of your product or machine with our Virtis platform, where you can view your product in Virtual Reality (VR). With Virtis, you discover a more natural form of interaction with your product thanks to the context provided to the product and data. Working with VR has many advantages:

  • improve your product already during the design phase
  • conduct a precise inspection of your product before it goes into production
  • reduce the number of prototypes and associated costs
  • train virtually in the assembly or maintenance of the product

Virtis offers various application levels, ranging from a simple product viewer or showroom to a complex viewer with all sorts of metadata or even a comprehensive training module. At each level, you see your product in VR and can manipulate it in its environment through specific interactions.

Virtual Reality
Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality

Want to see how your product or machine will look in its actual environment? Then our Artis platform is ideal for you. Through Augmented Reality (AR), Artis places your product or machine in the real world. AR offers many benefits:

  • a precise and detailed inspection of the product in reality before it goes into production
  • innovative product promotion
  • a unique customer experience

Whether you use Artis for service procedures, production work instructions, or as a unique form of sales/marketing to promote products, thanks to the various equipment levels, there is always an application suitable for your goal.

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Sometimes, you want an image that clearly shows how your product will look after production. This can be easily achieved through a visualization. By assigning realistic materials and colors to the various parts in the 3D model, a realistic product render is generated. Through this image, you can show your customers what your product will look like even before the first unit is actually produced. A render is also an ideal tool to use as a communication medium or marketing image.

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Technical Animation

Bring your 3D design to life with the help of a technical animation, an effective communication tool to clarify things between designer and user, but also between manufacturer and customer. An animation is used to explain the general operation of a product or machine and can also simulate small details or the flow of gases and liquids.

An animation often makes the need for spoken or written text unnecessary, making it highly scalable. You can show the operation of the product before it’s produced or its applications after production—anything is possible. With the help of exploded views, cross-sections, transparent parts, colors, etc., the animation can clearly illustrate certain aspects without having to disassemble the actual product.

Technical Animation
AI implementaties voor de industrie

AI implementaties voor de industrie

Bij Captis benutten we onze diepgaande ervaring in de maakindustrie en ons innovatieve denken om nieuwe technologieën te ontdekken en te implementeren.

Zo zoeken we naar nieuwe AI-gestuurde oplossingen die jouw productieprocessen kunnen optimaliseren en jouw concurrentiepositie kan versterken.

Maak een afspraak en laat ons je helpen de kracht van AI te benutten.

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As part of the machinery directive, products, lifting tools, and industrial machines must have a technical (CE) dossier. A correct and complete technical dossier includes:

  • a description of the machine
  • electrical and hydraulic schematics
  • strength calculations
  • a risk analysis as an inventory of all possible hazards and safety risks
  • a report of the preventive measures taken to minimize risks
  • an EC declaration of conformity for the machine and built-in components
  • an overview of the standards and guidelines applied
  • a nameplate
  • a user manual and/or assembly instructions

With extensive experience in preparing certification dossiers, both for our own produced products and for external clients, Captis is your ideal partner in certifying your product or machine.